Rise and Stride: Stepping Into the Dawn of a New Habit

Well, if you know me, it probably won’t come as a surprise to read that I am not a morning person. This will actually be my second blog post on the topic of morning walks—something I often complain about in real life, not just in my writing. Yet, here I am, drawn back to this topic because my relationship with morning walks continues to evolve in ways I never expected.  In fact, my relationship with mornings has always been complicated, a true love-hate affair, if I had to put a name to it. There are times in my life when I am deeply committed to personal growth, which I jokingly refer to as a telltale sign of my ongoing existential crisis. During those phases, I make a conscious effort to wake up early. But let’s be honest: those phases never seem to last long. It still surprises me that it’s been over two months since I made a simple yet powerful change in my routine: I started waking up early to go for morning walks. My on-again, off-again relationship with mornings has taken a surprising turn for the better. At first, this new habit felt like one of those big goals I would probably abandon after a week. But here I am, several weeks in, and it’s something I genuinely look forward to. 

I remember seeing a random Instagram reel where a man explained why he enjoys running in the early morning. One thing he said struck a chord with me: he loves having an empty road to himself while the world is still asleep. As someone who often needs to step away from the external world to recharge my social battery, I have experienced that there is something truly special about being outside while everything is just waking up. The roads are quiet, the air is crisp, and a sense of calm envelops the atmosphere—something that’s hard to come by later in the day. I particularly enjoy walking on those empty roads while listening to my all-time favorite podcasts by Miles Carter. It feels like quality alone time with him, providing a form of mindfulness I didn’t even realize I needed. Miles Carter's soothing voice works wonders for helping me gather my thoughts. 

Here are my top three picks:

I am a sucker for early morning rains, but lately, I have started to feel a twinge of disappointment whenever the sky turns cloudy and dark, signaling unexpected autumn rain in the foothills. Whether it rains or the sun shines, my body naturally wakes up around 5 am and I find it hard to accept that I’m not tempted to sleep in for a few extra minutes. Sometimes, it feels almost too good to admit that this has become my new reality, as even on weekends, I am awake by 5 am. I understand that the world doesn’t have to wake up with me, but I make sure to wake Zamin. On the other hand, my darling Precious is the happiest member of the household. Every morning, she greets me with her sharp, high-pitched meow, insists I open the balcony window for fresh air, and then has her usual zoomies as I get ready for my morning walk.

For the next hour and a half, I step into a different universe. Walking alone on an empty road with Miles Carter as my quiet and steady companion, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude. Normally, I am a born complain box, a passionate yapper, and a full-time over-thinker. But ever since I became a morning person, the time I spend overanalyzing everything has drastically reduced as by 9 or 10 pm, I am out cold, sleeping like a log. This new routine has not only quieted the mental chatter I was so used to but also brought a kind of peace I didn’t realize I needed. The constant rush and noise of daily life fade into the background, leaving room for clarity, and for the first time, I have begun to appreciate the simplicity of the present moment. 

My spiritual journey has deepened alongside this new routine. I spend an hour and a half chanting Buddhist mantras during my walks, which helps me stay grounded and centered. The mantras remind me to stay present, clear my mind, and view the world with peace and compassion. This practice helps me find balance in the chaos of daily life and keeps me connected to my inner self. After all, isn’t life all about seeking clarity and purpose? 

Life has been more hectic than usual lately, with extra roles and responsibilities at work. I barely have time to read, my one true love, and the activity I look forward to each day, despite my busy schedule. That’s why my morning walks have become a sacred window of me-time that I fiercely protect. It is during these quiet moments that I often find sparks of creativity. In fact, the idea for this blog post came to me during this morning's walk. These walks not only ground me but also give me space to breathe, think, and reconnect with myself amidst all the chaos.

Hopefully, this new habit of waking up at dawn for a walk doesn’t fizzle out—touch wood! Believe it or not, just a few days after posting my "Walking for a Healthy Mindset" blog, one of my senior female colleagues praised my commitment to my morning walk routine. I felt like an imposter to admit that my initial passion had already faded shortly after I wrote that post. It felt like my enthusiasm had taken a nosedive right after I put my experience into words. This time, though, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I really hope this new routine doesn’t meet the same end. So, as a reminder to myself, I will end with this quote: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. It’s a gentle reminder to stay committed this time, to not let my morning walk routine slip away like before. This new habit is something I want to nurture, and hopefully, this time, it sticks for good. Here’s to becoming a morning person—for real this time! Wish me luck, my dear readers! 


  1. It is my weakness as well. I am not a morning person. I wish I also face this new reality like you and rise up early to enjoy the serenity and peace. Have the world just for yourself ❤️


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