Precious: Anecdotes of a Pampered Purr-sonality and Her Influence on My Life

Welcome to the world of Precious, my pampered cat whose name says it all. Adopted as a tiny kitten from a dear colleague, Precious has brought endless joy and surprises into my life. In this blog, I’ll share our daily adventures, from her playful antics to our special bond and her charming quirks. Whether she's exploring crinkly toys or cozying up in her favorite spots, Precious turns every moment into something special. Join me as we celebrate the magic of my wonderful cat and the ways she makes every day brighter. 

Meet Precious! 

When I adopted Precious, she was around 5 months old in the third week of March 2022. At that time, I was going through one of the toughest periods of my life, feeling empty and directionless after the recent loss of my beloved fur babies, Luna and Giselle. Precious came into my life exactly when I needed her, and since then, she has completely changed my outlook. She brought new meaning, purpose, and unconditional love into my life.

Precious is a charming and entertaining cat who loves to enjoy the fresh air. Often, she can be found perched on the window sill with her front half outside and her lower half inside, observing the birds from our third-floor window. The first time I saw her like this, I had a minor panic attack, fearing she might fall. I quickly lifted her off the sill, closed the window, and gently scolded her, talking to her like any devoted cat mom would. Precious responded with an indignant meow until I reopened the window for her. Since then, I have learned to let her enjoy this favorite spot. She takes great pleasure in watching the rain, listening to the raindrops, and watching people walk by from her favorite spot. So, it was only natural for me to set up a chair by the window for her. 

She adores books and loves using them as her pillow and cushion for naps. Remarkably, she has never torn a single page. I feel so lucky to have a cat who shares my love for books.

For more than a year, Precious was a partially outdoor cat in my old house. She used to leave and enter the house by herself via the window. The windows in my previous house were covered with a net with holes big enough to fit her. She would go out to relieve herself, loiter, and get back to the house in the evening. Sometimes, she would come home with bruises, cuts, and wounds from the fights with cats, I presume, and sharp objects. A few times, she would return with gifts for us in the form of insects, lizards, and frogs. Once she bought a frog home and Zamin (my ten-year-old niece) and I ran out of the house at once screaming our lungs out. And Precious out of sheer shock and utter disappointment followed us out. 

Here are a few snapshots of her enjoying the outdoors and a couple of pictures with cuts and bruise:

Precious is unquestionably the boss of the house, a fact I frequently remind both Zamin and myself. When she wants to be pampered, she insists on being hand-fed. On days when she prefers a bit of independence, she’ll eat from her feeder, but only if one of us—either Zamin or I—is close by to keep her company. Even when we’re busy and try to ignore her insistent meows and constant following, she always manages to charm us into giving in to her wishes. And truth be told, we are more than happy to oblige. 

Precious is the baby of our household. Over two years, she gave birth to seven kittens—four in her first pregnancy and three in her second. Tragically, none of her kittens survived beyond the first three days, never having seen the light of day. The birthing process was too much for her small body, so I made the difficult decision to have her sterilized. Although I never wanted to take away her chance at motherhood, I couldn’t bear to see her endure the physical and emotional pain of losing her kittens. The post-sterilization period was the hardest time in her life, as her incision tore and her recovery was slow and painful. I was terrified of losing her and, for a moment, regretted my decision. Since she could never experience motherhood, we treat her like our baby, and she will always be my precious little one. 

Precious truly means the world to me. She brought a sense of peace into my life and taught me the importance of staying strong against life’s pressures. Her presence is a constant reminder of what it means to be the ruler of your own world. This blog is a tribute to the joy she brings, celebrating her for who she is and what she means to me. She’s far more than just a cat—she’s my entire world. I’m endlessly grateful to Precious for giving my life so much meaning. 

Lastly, here are some photos showcasing Precious and her mother:


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