
Showing posts from June, 2021

And that's a wrap

  With the onset of the last month of the year and end of first semester, it got me analyzing about things, events, and people around me. To reflect back on major events that occurred to me on the preceding months; I had leave my country to upgrade my qualification and to climb up the ladder of professional growth. Never had I loved my subject more than anyone and anything in this world. Somehow, Psychology never fails to fascinate me. I was very keen to learn more, content-wise, about the subject and this is the very reason for choosing India for my masters degree as the country is known for qualitative content.  I still remember, very vividly, how excited I was on my first day to college. Unlike usual me, I woke up three hours earlier and got ready before two hours of the first period of the college. The moment my tutor started teaching, I thought it out loud, 'What the hell is this?' It also made question about me being in the wrong class. Never-the-less, I consoled myself b

Height of Disorientation

The exterior reason for me for making a haste decision of coming to India for my Masters degree was to upgrade my qualifications so that I will be able to climb up the professional ladder, which is known to my acquaintances but my beloved ones and close friends are aware of the fact that I badly wanted to get out my country at any cost. The minimal scholarship stipends and the very same country where I pursued my undergrad couldn't stop me from viewing this as a perfect opportunity to get my hairy arse out of the place, where I was walking around like a zombie. Of course, I grew to love the concrete house that I turned into cozy home with my ex live-in partner for more than a year and half, the workplace filled with overly enthusiastic students of mine and very supportive colleagues from whom I have had gained endless knowledge shaping me into respectable and wiser person , and my childhood place where I was born and brought up with my parent's unconditional love and inappropri

Twenty Seventeen

  With the year coming to an end and specifically at the very last day I felt like I owe a write-up which will act as a reminder for the years to come. In this write-up I will be highlighting some of the significant events of the year which brought life-changing alterations in the way I view people, things, and lead my life. In a most crude reflexive way I would associate the year, twenty seventeen, with the successful completion of my study and reading challenge. Both the accomplishments of the year, i.e., pursuing masters in Psychology and reading impressive number of books has been my childhood dreams and it took me more than two decades to achieve those goals. I have never been so proud of myself. I am sorry if I sound so arrogant and smug which I am right now as I type these very words in my laptop with loud music in my bedroom {you see, I need loud music when I write, so thousand unuttered apologies to my neighbors at this ungodly hours} Twenty seventeen bought me back to my moth

First Month of the Year

  I always believe the first month of the year kind of set the flow and mood for the remaining eleven months therefore I make sure to carefully say and do things which brings peace and positive vibe to me and people around me. As the second month starts I couldn't help reflecting on how the first month of the year went by. And what could be the best way to reflect than to write on the happenings of the first month. The year started with a bang in professional field and I have never been so busy and preoccupied with academic work, which of course denied me of holidays but intellectually provided me a chance to explore and to learn something very new. I have spent endless waking hours with researching and reading literature related to the work I was assigned with. There were times when I was tempted to give up but stubborn part of me wasn't  willing to give in to the temptation, which had me reading countless literature making me more confused with each reading. Nevertheless, I w

Delhi, Capital City of India

  I lived in India for five long years but I never got a chance to visit the capital city of India for various reasons. Nevertheless, on the second month of the year on my way to Amsterdam I had an opportunity to halt at Delhi for three days to process my visa. In this blog I will be writing lessons that I learned from my trip and stay during at Delhi. Before I get into the details of the trip, I should let you [my wonderful and faithful readers] know that I have never traveled in group. I was more of a solo traveler. I love traveling alone as it let me explore places on my own pace. This trip to Delhi involved  twelve individuals , including me, so it was a very big group. Now the thing about group traveling is that everything needs to be planned beforehand elaborately with everyone present which at times prolong the planning with one or two persons coming late. Gathering is a big problem and coming to a common understanding is problematic as well. After a lengthy process of planning,

A Day in Paris

  Today is the first day of third decade of my life and what could be the best way to celebrate this grand day than to blog about the day I walked aimlessly around Paris,  one of most romantic cities in the world. My journey to Paris started with a long journey of seven hours of bus ride around midnight and ended in the early chilly morning at the heart of Paris. Since it was my first trip to Paris, I was kind of lost in finding metro to Eiffel Tower so after having English breakfast in cafe, I asked around for the direction and was more confused due to language barrier. Nevertheless, one man saw my confusion on my face, I suppose because he gave me the proper directions to get to metro station and I rushed towards it, he yelled at me, 'don't lost' which I understood as 'don't get lost'. After hopping on the train, I was so amazed and mesmerized by the varied and beautiful architectures. I can still feel the excitement and chill when I think of that exact moment

Amsterdam, capital of The Netherlands

Amsterdam is by far one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is very rich in heritage and I just love to stroll by those magnificent canals. I was fortunate enough to travel to Amsterdam and to reside there for three weeks on a official training with my colleagues. Prior to boarding my flight to Amsterdam from New Delhi, I was very excited but the long seven and a half hours of flight made me cranky for the lack of adequate sleep. Nevertheless, I arrived at Amsterdam in the early hours of the day and it is the coldest part of the day. The bus which was due to pick us up couldn't find us and we couldn't locate the bus so in this little game of hide-and-sick with bus driver, most of us were freezing, mind you eight of us out of twelve people came from one of the most hottest and humid areas in Bhutan. Therefore, standing outside the airport with the temperature of minus five degree with chilly wind piercing our bones wasn't so welcoming for us. When we could feel our