
Rise and Stride: Stepping Into the Dawn of a New Habit

Well, if you know me, it probably won’t come as a surprise to read that I am not a morning person. This will actually be my second blog post on the topic of morning walks—something I often complain about in real life, not just in my writing. Yet, here I am, drawn back to this topic because my relationship with morning walks continues to evolve in ways I never expected.  In fact, my relationship with mornings has always been complicated, a true love-hate affair, if I had to put a name to it. There are times in my life when I am deeply committed to personal growth, which I jokingly refer to as a telltale sign of my ongoing existential crisis. During those phases, I make a conscious effort to wake up early. But let’s be honest: those phases never seem to last long. It still surprises me that it’s been over two months since I made a simple yet powerful change in my routine: I started waking up early to go for morning walks. My on-again, off-again relationship with mornings has taken a surp

Feeling Stuck in Life: An Inner Exploration at Thirty-Eight

Not till we are lost, in other words, not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves.  Henry David Thoreau  Lately, I have been feeling stuck and overwhelmed with questions. At 38, I am frustrated and doubting if I have accomplished what I’m supposed to by now. The pressure to pursue a PhD, start dating again, and build a long-term relationship makes me question if I’m on the right path or if I’m falling behind my peers. I blame it on the so-called midlife transition , something many women go through. But let this blog be my first small step toward finding hope in the journey of my life.  I have come across the idea that rather than forcefully pushing for change, we should let it unfold naturally. This perspective resonates deeply with me as I reflect on my own journey. Nearly seven years have passed since I completed my master’s degree, and the idea of pursuing a PhD feels both daunting and overwhelming. The pressure has intensified as I see many others, including some

Precious: Anecdotes of a Pampered Purr-sonality and Her Influence on My Life

Welcome to the world of Precious, my pampered cat whose name says it all. Adopted as a tiny kitten from a dear colleague, Precious has brought endless joy and surprises into my life. In this blog, I’ll share our daily adventures, from her playful antics to our special bond and her charming quirks. Whether she's exploring crinkly toys or cozying up in her favorite spots, Precious turns every moment into something special. Join me as we celebrate the magic of my wonderful cat and the ways she makes every day brighter.  Meet Precious!  When I adopted Precious, she was around 5 months old in the third week of March 2022. At that time, I was going through one of the toughest periods of my life, feeling empty and directionless after the recent loss of my beloved fur babies, Luna and Giselle. Precious came into my life exactly when I needed her, and since then, she has completely changed my outlook. She brought new meaning, purpose, and unconditional love into my life. Precious is a charm

Chaos to Calm: Understanding and Embracing Changes with Elegance and Grace

'If you don't like something, change it. If you change it, change your attitude' ~ Maya Angelou  For a change, let me start the blog with a series of questions:  What do you do when things go wrong?  Do you take the blame or blame it on others?  How often do you reflect on your speech, action, and situation?  When was the last time you pondered upon circumstances on your own?  Do you introspect when the damage is done and the situation is beyond repair?  Alright, alright! Honest to God, these questions have been robbing me of my sleep for the past few months. To set the context, this semester the workload was extremely hectic. In my fourteen years of teaching in the college, I had to take packed lunch to my workplace albeit my residence is just a stone's throw away. Simultaneously, health-wise, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Since I did not want to be dependent on medication, I had to make drastic changes in my lifestyle and diet. I was impelled to move aroun

My Personal Roadmap for Twenty Twenty-Four

"You simply cannot give, what you don't have" ~His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk  I draw great inspiration from the wise words of His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk; You simply cannot give, what you don't have. As a mentor for thirteen mentees from different programs offered by the college, I want to set a positive role model for them. To be a good role model, I need to be a reflective mentor.  In picture: my thirteen treasures (mentees) of twenty twenty-four  A personal roadmap is an effective and efficient tool for quiet introspection. Two years of developing personal roadmaps have taught me the importance of self-reflection in life. The prerequisite of any reflection is to accept weaknesses and transform them into strengths. I am proud to admit that I am a work-in-progress. I take time to plan and develop my personal roadmap as it  provides me an opportunity and  time to pause, take one step back, reflect, and track th

Finding Harmony in Simple and Slow Living

I either start the new year or end the year with a new blog but this time I deliberately delayed the process of blogging. I feel '24 should be all about finding harmony in simple and slow living. Should I blame Saturn? Hence, the blog on Finding Harmony in Simple and Slow Living.  Over the years, the living style and standards have taken over the driver's seat and we, mere humans, are in the passenger's seat without much control in the given situation. In today's fast-paced global digitalized world, I am an old soul trapped in the body of a mid-thirties woman. I feel tired of catching up with the latest trends. I don't get half of the things Gen Z say and do. I feel out of place and struggle to keep up with a fast-changing world. Nevertheless, in a chaotic world, there are a few things that slow down the pace of my life.  While the rest of the world is into Kindle and e-books, I find joy in the smell and aroma of the book. The bibliophile in me doesn't mind spen

Walking for a Healthy Mindset

I never thought that mundane and monotonous activities like walking can be the most difficult activity to initiate and complete if it is related to physical fitness. I used to go for regular walks during evenings pre-covid times. I used to enjoy those evening walks. Somehow, I am not able to comprehend the change in my feelings towards walking. Nevertheless, with the sudden end of running on the treadmill due to knee pain and humongous weight gain, I had to revert to walking outdoors.  I was never a morning person and I badly wanted a change in my daily schedule so I started waking up at 5 am in the morning. I used to be out of my house by 5:30 a.m. and start my morning walk. I was consistent for a month. I started to find a drastic difference in the way I feel and function throughout the day. My energy was at a different level. I seldom felt lost. I felt happy and positive. I also noticed I interacted more positively with others. Morning walks were not only helping me maintain a fit l