
Showing posts from May, 2024

Chaos to Calm: Understanding and Embracing Changes with Elegance and Grace

'If you don't like something, change it. If you change it, change your attitude' ~ Maya Angelou  For a change, let me start the blog with a series of questions:  What do you do when things go wrong?  Do you take the blame or blame it on others?  How often do you reflect on your speech, action, and situation?  When was the last time you pondered upon circumstances on your own?  Do you introspect when the damage is done and the situation is beyond repair?  Alright, alright! Honest to God, these questions have been robbing me of my sleep for the past few months. To set the context, this semester the workload was extremely hectic. In my fourteen years of teaching in the college, I had to take packed lunch to my workplace albeit my residence is just a stone's throw away. Simultaneously, health-wise, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Since I did not want to be dependent on medication, I had to make drastic changes in my lifestyle and diet. I was impelled to move aroun